Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Steps in the Planning Process

Our team was clearly able to accomplish step 1 in define a goal and objective for the assignment.  We know what we needed to go, planned according to the deadline.  The team was finally able to each an agreement on how to build the device.  As step 2 approaches, things started to get out of hands. Since no leader was elected from the beginning, the team was not able to agree on a design.  The team actually spends most of our time debating about the design.  Step 3 of the planning process was non-existence in our team.  We failed develop premises and several alternative strategies.   There are no backup plans to our project.   Since step 3 of planning was non-existence, step 4 of analyzing alternative and make a tactical plan would not come about.  Finally step 5; we were able to come to an agreement on how we should build the device.  At the end, the device failed to protect the egg from breaking.


  1. It seems that many groups didn't select their leaders. If your team had a leader, then the leader would have controlled the process. Well, at least we learned very important lesson here.

  2. From what I have read it seems like the step the most groups had trouble with was step 3. I agree that it had alot to do with the time restraints. It seems like alot of groups just choose the first idea that they came up with to get through the planning process quicker and focus more on one idea. I think with more time there would have been more successful projects but then again it was a good way to teach us time management and how to work under pressure.
