Sunday, December 12, 2010

My favorite class (sort of)

Management 3120 has taught me so much. 
More than I’ve ever imagined.
Should I quit now because the test is too hard?
Should I continue on and hope a miracle will ever happen?
From test to test, project to project opportunity was given to us.
The day has come for us to redeem & proven ourselves.
But it shouldn’t be hard because it’s going to be an open book test.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Communicating via Blog

The blog entries were certainly interesting to me.  It is similar to a personal journal.  It allows me to write what I learned in class and share it with the rest of the world.  Even though I work a full time job, and I sometime don’t want to do any work.  But something about the blog keeps me wanting to write it.  Professor original intent was to provide a way for each student to share what they learn about the subject matter.  I agree, it allows us to share and apply what we’ve learned in class and share it with the rest of the world.  It allows each member of class to share and comment about what we've learned in class.  The blog certainly allow me to interact with my classmate outside of the classroom.  Something that I don’t think we can do in class.  Since we all have to participate and pay attention in class.  Blog also allow me to share my perception of what I did in class.  Since I’m part of the management team at my current job.  I did use some of the theory I learned in class and try to apply them in real life situation.  But I do have a hard time understanding the professor’s blog.  I don’t know how professor’s theory applies to management.  Maybe the professor should explain to us how his blog theories apply to management.  Not every student will do well on the exam, but by writing our blog would definitely allow us to improve our grade.  If time permit, I do plan on continue managing my blog after the class is over.  Blog is certainly an effective way for me to communicate what I learned in class.