Sunday, September 26, 2010

Culture Shock

I was born in Hong Kong and raised in New York.  To me, American cultures are jeans & t-shirt, laid back.  Cultures in Hong Kong are fast pace, get out of my way just like New York.  Everyone seems to be always in a rush. People in Hong Kong are trendy.  I went back to Hong Kong last year finding myself dressing differently from people there.   I find myself wearing loose fitted clothing while people in Hong Kong were wear fitted clothes.  It does feel odd to be the only one.
Another example would be from my day time job.  I work at one of the largest financial institution in the world.  My coworkers are from different part of the world ranges from Africa to Asia.  Each practices their own respectable religion.  It is really interesting how each of us have their own way of doing things.


  1. In my country,Moldova, where I was born people dress different as well. You will never see them in sneakers or loose fitted clothing on the streets only in gyms or home.

  2. Hey, same situation here! One of the times that I went to Hong Kong was right after 9/11. As I was browsing around a shop in HK, the owner asked me if I was from New York. I asked how he knew, and he told me it was because of the clothes I wore.
    I also find it amazing how they manage to wear fitted clothes even in midst of the hot weather. I guess people adapt to it after a while. Still, it is an interesting culture to keep up with!

  3. yea, you are right. in Addition, my out looking in Hong Kong, people will consider as fat which in the U.S., they tend to see my body as pretty standardized.

  4. Your last paragraph got my attention where you mentioned in your financial institution that your co-workers are from acroos the globe in different corners of the world. As I always believed and still believe America is freedom and it is the dream. Just take a look at Baruch, many journals list our school as the most diverse college, matter of fact next class take a look at your class. On our class on a culture professor asked to show by raise of hands who was born in America and in no shock to me one student raised their hand. This is the land off freedom and it was carved out in the contitution, freedom to rights as human beings and can attest that no where in the world is a place more free that America. Each culture has their little community for example Chinatown, Little Italy, Harlem, and Flatbushe. Not only that freedom to religion we can gather and celebrate your own religion.

  5. I couldn't agree more with you regarding the clothes people in Asia wear and the body type there. They wear really fancy clothes and they all look so slim! What people eat matters, I think. Asians eat lots of vegetables and rice and Americans eat too much red meat. I gained a lot of weight since I came to America. I need exercise.
