Monday, November 8, 2010

My Vision for the Future

I’ve spend too much time procrastinating about what I want to do with my life.  My mom always tells me that I should finish college.  If I don’t go to college, I can’t find a good paying job.  My first college degree was computer information system, but after graduating with a degree in computer information system. I can’t seem to find job that goes in line with my degree.  I ended up with a job as a salesperson.  As time passes, I decided to go back to school again.  Baruch is the place where I ended up.  After graduating from Baruch, I vision myself becoming an investment banker.  My current job is very supportive of me accomplishing this vision.  My current employer offers me tuition reimbursement & flexible schedule to accomplish my goal. After that, I would like to continue my education by going for an MBA degree.  I’ve come to realization that a bachelor degree is not enough for today environment.  As for my personal vision, I would like to purchase my own place.  This vision is coming closer to reality, as I save up money from every paycheck and investing my money wisely.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand where you're coming from. As an asian myself, i find that asian parents are enver satisfied! of course, i agree that today, a regular degree in todays world will not get you up that high paying ladder so i will agree that going for a MBA later on is a wise decision that will pay off in the future. good luck!
